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Start planning the dream - over 17 acres of land

100 Wares Road, WESBURN
Price: $885,000 - $965,000
Property Category: Land
  • 17.78 Acre(s)


17.78 acres of prime Yarra Valley real estate is on offer here, in a fabulous location just near the iconic Warburton Trail, and awaiting your dream home to be unearthed.

With open fields and jaw dropping mountain views of the Warburton Ranges, there are beautiful options for you to site your new home (stca) and start realizing your dream.

Ideally located within a short bike ride to the Wesburn foodie hub with all the mouthwatering fresh produce to try, the local pub and approximately a 3 minute drive, or a 20 minute walk to the Yarra Junction township, this property provides a rural lifestyle with all of the conveniences nearby. Yarra Junction has primary and high schools, Woolworths, doctors, dentists, sporting clubs and the list goes on - pretty much all you need for your everyday requirements.

It's time to begin planning for your next chapter.

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